The Chinese Whispers Concert™️



Chinese Whispers Concert - University of Hull


27 April 2022 sees the return of the annual Chinese Whispers concert hosted in the University of Hull’s Middleton Hall!




The Chinese Whispers™ Project embraces culture and creativity. Its intercultural agenda focusses on developing awareness, competence and citizenship in local members of the community (children and adults) and facilitating respectful interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds. Its creative agenda promotes the learning of language and culture through creative practice, such as through choir singing. The Chinese Whispers™ Project celebrates its activities in annual public concerts that are hosted by the Confucius Institute at the University of Hull. The concert involves students and staff from the School of the Arts in the University as well as children and adults who have participated in the Chinese Whispers™ Project.



Dear friends and students of the UoH Confucius Institute,


You are cordially invited to attend the upcoming “Music and Intercultural Practice” Symposium, which will be a 2-day academic conference.  This symposium includes presentations and performances that explore the topic of interculturality and music practice. Interculturality is about the interaction of cultures; it might be regarded as a practice through which individuals from different cultures learn more about their own culture and the culture of others. This is a key theme that underpins the work of the Chinese Whispers™ Project (which collaborated with CIUH) at the University of Hull. The sessions will be very much from an academic standpoint, however everyone is welcome to participate in any sessions if they are of interest! I have attached the symposium programme and the zoom details are below:


Meeting ID – 486 462 5324

Password – 81ycPy


You can register for the event here –

You can find more information about the Chinese Whispers™ Project  here –

You can also email with any questions.



Kind regards,

Hull CI





The Chinese Whispers™️ Choir 回音壁合唱团

The Chinese Whispers™️ is the Confucius Institute’s award-winning project (Higher Education Academy – Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence 2016).

The project aimed at:

*  developing an understanding of language learning through music
*  defining an innovative pedagogic approach focused on mindful listening
*  sharpening transferable skills
*  embedding internationalisation within a music curriculum
*  exploring new ways to reach out beyond disciplinary and sector boundaries
*  increasing student employability

It started as a collaborative project involving academics from two disciplines (music and languages), diverse cultural backgrounds, various professions (choir master, composers, music conductors, teacher trainers and technicians), and different stages of the educational journey (students, teachers, lecturers and professors). It is now extended to include schools as well as other musicians and linguists outside the academic community.

If you are interested in joining the project please contact us at


Major music events –

10 February 2020   The Chinese Whispers™️ Choir Launch Event

The Chinese Whispers™️ Choir performs weekly and provides a great opportunity to learn some Mandarin, or just sing for fun! If Mandarin is not your first language and you would like to join us, please contact the team below for further details:
Ellie McCann (
Lu Yanyi (

29 April 2020  The Chinese Whispers™️ Concert 4

The Confucius Institute at the University of Hull is pleased to host a major free musical event, the Chinese Whispers™️ Concert 4, on Wednesday 29 April 2020, at 18:30 (doors open at 18:00), in the Middleton Hall.

FREE tickets available on Eventbrite:

Chinese Whispers™️ is a distinctive, creative project which seeks to teach Chinese language through the medium of music and song. The concert will feature a variety of musical performances, as well as performances by a number of choirs composed of non-Chinese speakers trained by the Institute to sing in Chinese.

The Confucius Institute at the University of Hull has been highly successful during its first four years, and the concert will showcase the results of the Institute’s innovative work in the teaching of Chinese in both the University and the community.

The concert is free. All are welcome to come and enjoy this hour of Chinese music. Please reserve your places now to avoid disappointment.

Please note that there are only 4 spaces available for wheelchair users. If you require one of the spaces, please message us when booking your tickets.

If you have any questions, please contact the Confucius Institute for further details.

01482 462197